Come to Africa.
Volunteer at Wildlife Conservation Projects
in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana
Enkosini Eco Experience offers self-funding volunteers a unique opportunity to work abroad at leading wildlife conservation, rehabilitation and research programs in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. Volunteering at a wildlife conservation program is the ultimate life changing and rewarding experience.
Volunteer programs range from 1-12 weeks, giving volunteers the opportunity to become involved in a wide variety of wildlife conservation activities in Africa; including anti-poaching, wildlife research, animal rehabilitation and reintroduction, hands on animal care, game tracking and capture, bush rehabilitation and everyday reserve maintenance and management. Volunteers can choose to focus exclusively on one program, or alternatively experience a number of different programs. All of our conservation projects have a strong element of continuity. The work of one volunteer is carried on by subsequent volunteers and, collectively, the Enkosini Eco Experience network makes a lasting impact on the local communities, wildlife and wildlands of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.
Founded in 2001, Enkosini Eco Experience allows you to volunteer in a way that fills your heart, mind and spirit and maximizes your financial contribution to the projects you choose. Enkosini’s carefully selected projects are our colleagues, our mentors, our partners. A tight-knit community in South Africa and Namibia, we work together to achieve higher standards in conservation and to fight unethical wildlife activities through advocacy, media exposure and legislative change. By volunteering, you help Enkosini Eco Experience support our partner wildlife projects with the financial and assistance necessary to achieve our goals in conservation and community development in Africa.
The staff of Enkosini Eco Experience has traveled extensively through South Africa and Namibia - teaching, working, volunteering, studying, backpacking, and managing tour groups. Our knowledge and understanding of where to go, when to go, what to do and how to do it will prepare you for traveling abroad to Southern Africa. You‘ll enjoy Enkosini’s complete support before, during and after your volunteer experience including emergency phone lines, in the field coordinators, full training where required, independent Africa travel advice, and most importantly a team with the experience to answer all your questions. We are well-informed about local issues and culture, and help ensure that all the organizational details for your volunteer project are covered so that your experience is safe, enjoyable and fulfilling.
Our overseas volunteers come from all walks of life – from gap year students to career breakers to retired people – and we organize volunteer programs for people of all nationalities. Whether you are burned out from running the rat race, exploring a new direction in your life or just aching to see the world, an Enkosini Eco Experience is an absolute must for anyone who is enthusiastic about wildlife conservation and the environment. Enkosini’s range of volunteer projects offer the adventurous individual the chance to take part in valuable and rewarding hands-on conservation work that provides a sustainable future for important ecosystems in South Africa and Namibia. And, of course, Southern Africa is a great place to visit. Magnificent scenery, fabulous weather, great infrastructure, fascinating cultures and, last but not least, spectacular wildlife awaits!
Let the adventure to Africa begin…